Using the internet to make payments to utility, phone, credit card, insurance and other companies saves considerable time and effort. It is also a simple and convenient way to contribute to charity either directly or sponsoring participants in money-raising activities. There are, however, risks associated with online payments and you need to take care when making them.
The Risks
Fraud resulting from making payments over unsecured web pages.
emails directing you to fake websites set up to collect your payment card details.
Safe Payments
Online payments are normally part of your arrangement with a service provider as an alternative to payment by Direct Debit or cheque. In most cases, therefore, the payee will be familiar to you, but you must take care to ensure that you are on the provider’s genuine site.
Remember that paying by credit card offers greater protection against fraud than with other methods.
Double check all details of your payment before confirming.
Before entering payment details on a website, ensure that the link is secure, in three ways:
There should be a padlock symbol in the browser ( A program that users read and navigate pages on the internet, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Google’s Chrome or Apple’s Safari.) window frame, which appears when you attempt to log in or register. Be sure that the padlock is not on the page itself ... this will probably indicate a fraudulent site.
The web address should begin with ‘https://’. The ‘s’ stands for ‘secure’. (Instead of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), this website uses HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a "code"between them, and then they scramble the messages using that "code" so that no one in between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers)
If using the latest version of your browser ( A program that users read and navigate pages on the internet, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Google’s Chrome or Apple’s Safari.), the address bar or the name of the site owner will turn green.
When making a payment to an individual use a secure payment site such as PayPal – never transfer the money directly into their bank account.
Check the website’s privacy policy.
Always log out of sites into which you have logged in or registered details. Simply closing your browser ( A program that users read and navigate pages on the internet, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Google’s Chrome or Apple’s Safari.), not enough to ensure privacy.
Keep receipts – electronic or otherwise.
Check credit card and bank statements carefully after payment to ensure that the correct amount has been debited, and also that no fraud has taken place as a result of the transaction.
Ensure you have effective and updated antivirus/antispyware software ( A software designed especially for the detection and prevention of spyware. Often bundled in an internet security package.), and firewall (Hardware or Software designed to prevent unauthorized access to computers or networks over the internet.) running before you go online.
Report Cyber Crime Immediately. Nigerian Spammers are still increasing and many innocent people are coming in their trap and losing tonnes of their hard earned money. Are you scammed recently by a Nigerian email scammer, or blackmailed or have come through any online fraud recently? Its time to report to the Indian Cyber Crime department via their newly launched toll-free number and get the accused punished for their wrong acts. Indian Cyber Crime Phone Number : 1800 209 6789 You can report with the Cyber Crime department if you have a case which is related to Cyber stalking, cyber harassment, Online harassment, unsolicited calls, pornographic MMS, online fraud, phishing, or even threat mails. You can also get professional assitance regarding any of the above crimes for free at the above mentioned toll free number in order to help online internet users.
Thank You.